package Question3_5; import java.util.Stack; public class MyQueue<T> { Stack<T> stackNewest, stackOldest; public MyQueue() { stackNewest = new Stack<T>(); stackOldest = new Stack<T>(); } public int size() { return stackNewest.size() + stackOldest.size(); } public void add(T value) { // Push onto stack1 stackNewest.push(value); } /* Move elements from stackNewest into stackOldest. This is usually done so that we can * do operations on stackOldest. */ private void shiftStacks() { if (stackOldest.isEmpty()) { while (!stackNewest.isEmpty()) { stackOldest.push(stackNewest.pop()); } } } public T peek() { shiftStacks(); return stackOldest.peek(); // retrieve the oldest item. } public T remove() { shiftStacks(); return stackOldest.pop(); // pop the oldest item. } }